The world’s first rapper was actually a Soviet poet, says Russia’s culture minister
Book of diaries from the Leningrad Siege wins 2018 Pushkin House prize
Aetherial Worlds review: Tatyana Tolstaya’s new work is haunted by Russia’s literary lineage
Russian kids’ book about time travelling cat set to hit TV screens
Catch the latest trailer for this year’s must-see Russian film, Dovlatov
Ukraine bans import of 25 Russian books
Cultural twists: literary references in Ulyukayev’s last words explained
In bed with Nabokov: a new book explores the strange dreams of a master novelist
Nabokov, 40 years on: 13 things you probably didn’t know about the Lolita novelist
Off the page: meet the director bringing Russian literature to life onscreen
Celebrated Babi Yar poet Yevgeny Yevtushenko dies
Master and Margarita to get Hollywood treatment
Publishers in Ukraine angry at government’s Russian book ban
UK animation students create charming cartoon trailers for Russian classics
Ukraine bans import of Russian books
Horizons: Timur Novikov and Joseph Brodsky in dialogue in London
Step inside Dostoyevsky’s St Petersburg with the Crime and Punishment map
Has your cat got what it takes to star in The Master and Margarita?