Russian photographer Aleksey Narodizkiy is best known for his crisp, gleaming shots of Moscow’s monumental architecture posted on his Moscow Metro Architecture Instagram account — a magnificent catalogue of the capital’s sprawling metro system.
@Babilonline, however, moves away from architectural glamour to focus on some of Moscow’s more neglected urban infrastructure. It spotlights millions of electrical lines that zigzag the city’s skies, feeding power to the trundling trolleybuses below. Photographed against the steely grey of Moscow’s autumn clouds, each wire is transformed from unsightly necessity into minimalist art.
“People rarely look at the sky in the city,” Narodizkiy told The Calvert Journal. “[But] I really like to see how the wires stack into these amazing geometric compositions. Autumn is really the best time to shoot, when there is nothing but wires and a grey sky.”