Transport yourself into the soft-hued landscapes of Anton Kupryanov’s paintings with the Instagram account @anton.kupriyanov1991.
Kupryanov’s paintings are snapshots of everyday life in his town Tara, in Siberia’s Omsk Oblast, whether these represent human figures on their commute, glistening street lights illuminating the road, or the sun setting behind mountains, tower blocks, and one-story houses.
Colourful, somewhat minimalist, and blurry, Kupryanov’s technique mixes photograph-like realism with impressionist brush strokes.
Whether the lights of cars and street lamps dot the distance, or everyday objects, such as bins, road signs, or basketball hoops, take centre stage, Kupryanov’s art encourages the viewer to pause, and embrace daily realities, as unassuming as they might at first appear.
This article was originally published on our partner platform, Makers of Siberia. Follow Makers of Siberia on Instagram for the latest on contemporary Siberia.