Romanian poetry blends with video and sound art in the feminist multimedia project Her Word, launched last month.
Mixing a range of aesthetics, from experimental imagery and performance art to more conventional filming techniques, the pilot stage of the project will showcase eight poems by four up-and-coming writers: Jesica Baciu, Teodora Coman, Anastasia Gavrilovici, and Krista Szocs. Performed in Romanian, all of the poetry is subtitled in English.
The project’s founders — performer Ilinca Hărnuț, musician and sound designer Diana Miron, director Elena Morar, performer and actor Valentina Zaharia, choreographer Teodora Velescu, and set designer Adriana Dinulescu — hope Her Word will become “a sustainable audiovisual exploration of Romanian poetry written by women”.
Read more poems by Coman and Gavrilovici translated into English here, and here.