The first original Polish Netflix series will be an animated screen adaptation of Janusz Christa’s comic books, Kajko and Kokosz.
Published over two decades between 1972 and 1992, the books tell the story of two medieval warrior friends, echoing Asterix and Obelix, as they navigate their everyday lives, fighting with dragons, witches, and evil knights. Mixing satire, fantasy, and history, the stories often make tongue-in-cheek comments about communist-era tropes, such as labour unions, bureaucracy, or commodity shortages.
With 52 episodes, the series will be produced by Warsaw-based studio EGoFILM. The first season, to be released in 2021, will cost around £1.02 million.
“Generations have been brought up on [these] comic book adventures, which is why we are working on the series with great excitement,” Łukasz Kłuskiewicz, Central and Eastern European Content Acquisition Manager at Netflix, told “We are convinced that, thanks to Netflix, Kajko i Kokosz will also be discovered by viewers around the world.”