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Twitter users hit back against western media with hashtag #BlamePutin

Twitter users hit back against western media with hashtag #BlamePutin

4 August 2014
Text Nadia Beard

In the face of worsening diplomatic ties between Russia and the west, some think President Vladimir Putin is getting undue flack from biased western media. Using the hashtag #BlamePutin, Twitter users have hit back, tweeting both real and imagined ailments and complaints to show that the media has gone too far with blaming the Russian president for almost everything that goes wrong in the world.

From a runny nose… hunger pains

From failure to give up smoking… horoscopes

Shopping fails…

...Cancelled medical appointments… itchy toe…

...and deadpan assertions of which northern English city is worse than the other

These Twitter users are saying: Enough. You can’t #BlamePutin for everything.