Head of the State Duma Committee for Social and Religious Organisations, Yaroslav Nilov, has called upon law enforcement to launch an investigation into an attack by Orthodox activists on an exhibition at the Moscow Manege.
Last Friday, members of ultra-conservative group God’s Will vandalised sculptures at the Manege exhibition space, led by self-proclaimed “missionary” Dmitry “Enteo” Tsorionov. According to Mr Nilov, the actions of the group casts a dark shadow on the Russian Orthodox Church.
Mr Tsorionov, however, condemns the actions of Mr Nilov, and says that he will appeal to the State Duma to remove him from parliament.
“It is his personal fault — among others — for the tension in society,” stated the head of the right-wing group.
According to Mr Tsorionov, the actions of the group are justified because The Sculptures We Do Not See exhibition violates the Russian law that protects the feelings of religious believers. He has called upon Russia’s Chief Rabbi Berel Lazar to condemn “those who organise provocative exhibitions that offend Christian sacred objects”.
The vandalising of the exhibit at the Manezh is the latest in a series of recent attacks on exhibitions in Russia deemed controversial by Orthodox activists.