The TheatreLives (TeatrZhiv) project is set to stream theatre shows live from Moscow to cinemas around Russia.
For the launch of the project the organisers have chosen some of the most popular Moscow shows, ranging from the Russian classics to the European avant-garde. The first year of the programme will feature works from the Chekhov Moscow Art Theatre, the Moscow Sovremennik Theatre, the Fomenko Workshop Theatre, and the Gogol Centre Theatre, among others in the Russian capital. Between six and eight cameras will be filming each performance at any one time, with visual editing and audio recording also happening in real time.
The comedy No.13D, directed by Vladimir Mashkov and one of the Chekhov Moscow Art Theatre’s most successful shows, has been chosen for the first live-streamed performance. The premiere will take place on 23 February. 26 cities have already joined the project, including Smolensk, Yaroslavl, Rostov-on-Don and Arkhangelsk.
TheatreLives also plans to hold exhibitions featuring theatrical artists and photographers throughout Russia’s regions, as well as lectures.
Source: Afisha (in Russian)