The Viewer, the Vision, the Visibility, 2011. This installation is a reflection on the very act of seeing
The Viewer, the Vision, the Visibility, 2011. Words in the title can be interpreted differently: “vision” could refer either to being able to see or to an apparition, while the Russian word “vidimost’” means both visibility and an illusion
I Don't Have Time and Neither Do You, 2012. The sandglass was designed so that it would only work in someone’s hands and fall on its side when put down, to show that time is but a construct
Endless Tickling of the Heels, 2017. The work was made for the street exhibition Flag in Hand. Renaissance Behind the Garages
List of People I Told the Meaning of this Work, 2018. The work was made for the street exhibition Flag in Hand. Renaissance Behind the Garages
The Author's Point of View May Not Coincide With Yours, 2019. The scale ranges from “very high” to “I don’t care anymore,” “invisible,” and “I don't like what's going on here”
Freedom to Be an Artist, 2020, Nemoskva exhibition. Installation view. This series of concrete tablets contains contradicting statements about art; the colourful font references a popular Soviet comedy show for kids, Yeralash
Freedom to Be an Artist, 2020, Nemoskva exhibition. “Art is not all that an artist does”
Freedom to Be an Artist, 2020, Nemoskva exhibition. “Art is generated by culture”
Freedom to Be an Artist, 2020, Nemoskva exhibition. “Art is available to anyone”
Freedom to Be an Artist, 2020, Nemoskva exhibition. “Art does not exist”
Freedom to Be an Artist, 2020, Nemoskva exhibition. “The artist does not owe you anything”
Freedom to Be an Artist, 2020, Nemoskva exhibition. “Everyone is potentially an artist”
Freedom to Be an Artist, 2020, Nemoskva exhibition. “The artist bears the responsibility”