Bird Language, 2018-ongoing. Inspired by Noam Chomsky’s theories, this project uses AI to look for patterns within bird song and build a mathematical model of the Universal Grammar of Bird Language
Bird Language, 2018-ongoing. In the first stage of the project, a neural network was trained on the sounds of nightingales to create communication between non-human agents: birds and Artificial Intelligence
Bird Language, 2018-ongoing. The project becomes a metaphor for communication between nature and technology in which a human being is not necessary
deus X mchn, 2017. This project explores the issue of online security within the Internet of Things (IoT), and the increasing capabilities of Artificial Intelligence (AI)
deus X mchn, 2017. A neural network was fed a corpus of sacred texts and generated its own “sacred” text
deus X mchn, 2017. Another neural network synthesised a human voice, and hacked IP-cameras with speakers recited the text through unsecured devices connected to the Internet of Things
Faces2Voices, 2020. With Nikita Prudnikov. This online interactive installation uses facial recognition and AI-synthesised sound to create a generative music composition based on imaginary voices of online visitors
Faces2Voices, 2020. With Nikita Prudnikov. Uses of facial recognition by governments and corporations are heavily criticised. Here, users could exchange the access to their face for entertainment
Plastifique Biofarm, 2015. With Dr. Anastasiya Kanatieva and Ilya Fedotov-Fedorov. The project is a futuristic vision of a biofarm where ants can live in symbiosis with bacteria and recycle plastic
Plastifique Biofarm, 2015. The movements of ants were converted into the interactive sound installation
Plastifique Biofarm, 2015
The Other View, 2018. Having connected to IP-cameras at a mirror gallery imitating Yayoi Kusama's mirror installations, Nikonole combined images from the cameras with the images from social media that were taken there
The Other View v.2, 2020. This project demonstrates the supplementation of IP-camera surveillance by self-representation through social media
To Bee, 2019. This project explores ways of chemical communication among honeybees in order to help them adapt to the anthropocene, finding a way to the hive and avoiding dangerous territories