Cut it Short, a collaboration between Michal Solarski and Tomasz Liboska, is a visual reconstruction of the photographers’ shared adolescence in a small town in the south of Poland in the 1990s. The name refers to hair, and how it’s inextricably linked to a sense of self in the transition from childhood to adulthood. The narrative is based on the photographers’ memories of their teenage years: their grunge band, their determination to lose their virginities, cutting off their hair and turning vegetarian — a true act of rebellion in 90s Poland. “We’re returning to familiar places with [models] Dominik and Marek. With their help we are trying to reconstruct the past events of our lives,” explain Solarski and Liboska. “We are playing the scenes, one by one, trying to remember every possible detail, each gesture, each word, but still we have to improvise. Many of the places we used to know, either don’t exist anymore or have changed completely. But slowly, we are piecing it all together.”