Ukrainian artist Hanne Zaruma satirises our modern-day vices
Join the online art show fusing the personal and political in Belarus
Follow the fat cat that photobombs classic paintings in his adventures across art history
These digital images are made from the most searched topics of 2020
Excess and power collide in photographer Agnieszka Sejud’s kaleidoscopic collages
An Instagram account places art history’s most famous works in 2020 Bucharest
Voluptuous, surreal, explicit: these daring digital collages explore female sexual taboos
Radical ideas vs concrete realities: enter the surreal urban world of these dystopian collages
These thoughtful collages explore the female body and human dreams
Made from travel brochures and porn mags, these seductive collages subvert the Western gaze
This artist reimagined the Teletubbies as Kardashian wannabes, and we just can’t get enough
Explore a dreamscape where the Balkans meet the USA
The new past: surreal collages crafted from Soviet books
Punk Orientalism: these artists are confronting the legacy of Soviet imperialism
Get your hands on London’s latest Tube map by Romanian artist Geta Brătescu
Polish artist grabs photo prize nomination for nostalgic mash-ups of socialism and raw meat
Urban pastoral: playful photo collages that celebrate Romania’s eclectic homes
This Belarusian collagist creates dreams out of reality